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Massachusetts personal injury lawyers

For Over 25 Years Fighting
The Big Insurance Companies

Thousands of claims successfully handled. Millions of dollars recovered for our clients.

Start Your Life Anew With the Help of Personal Injury Lawyers!

Spinal cord injuries can have profound and life-changing consequences, affecting an individual’s mobility, independence, and overall well-being. If you or a loved one has experienced such a traumatic event navigating the complexities of legal claims related to spinal cord injuries is essential. Seeking the counsel of experienced and dedicated spinal cord injury lawyers Massachusetts is the first step toward securing the compensation you may be entitled to. 

Quick Summary:

  • Spinal cord injuries can significantly impact one’s quality of life, leading to pain, numbness, or even paralysis.
  • The location and severity of the injury can vary, with some individuals retaining some sensory or functional abilities.
  • The leading causes of spinal cord injuries in Massachusetts include motor vehicle accidents, workplace incidents, motorcycle and trucking accidents, falls, and more.
  • Spinal cord injuries often result in permanent disabilities, limiting independence, work capabilities, and self-care.

When facing the daunting challenges that accompany spinal cord injuries (SCIs), the importance of seeking legal assistance cannot be overstated. The Law Offices of Barry Feinstein and Affiliates P.C. are a steadfast ally in your legal battle for several compelling reasons. Our Massachusetts personal injury lawyers stand as a formidable ally with 25 years of experience fighting against powerful insurance companies, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Don’t wait out too long or you could be deprived of justice. Take swift action and schedule a free consultation right now with The Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates P.C. 

What is Spinal Cord Injury?

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating medical condition that occurs when there is damage to the spinal cord, resulting in a wide range of physical and neurological impairments. This type of injury can have life-altering consequences, affecting an individual’s ability to move, feel, and perform various bodily functions. SCIs can occur due to traumatic incidents, such as car accidents, falls, or sports injuries, as well as non-traumatic causes like diseases or congenital conditions.

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury in Massachusetts and you’re seeking legal assistance to navigate the complex process of pursuing a personal injury claim or lawsuit, it’s essential to consult with experienced legal professionals. Contact our reputable spinal cord injury lawyers in Massachusetts to ensure you receive the guidance and support needed during this challenging time.

What are the Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries?

Spinal cord injuries can result from various causes. Understanding these causes is essential for injury prevention and awareness. Common causes of spinal cord injuries in Massachusetts may include:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Car, motorcycle, and truck accidents are a leading cause of spinal cord injuries. The impact of a collision can lead to trauma and damage to the spinal cord.
  • Falls: Falls, particularly in older adults, can lead to spinal cord injuries. Slips and falls, especially in icy or wet conditions, can be significant contributors.
  • Workplace Accidents: In industrial and construction settings, accidents involving heavy machinery, falling objects, or other workplace hazards can lead to spinal cord injuries.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: Being struck by a vehicle while walking or crossing the street is another common cause.

Preventing spinal cord injuries in Massachusetts involves practicing safety in various situations, such as wearing seatbelts, using protective gear in sports, maintaining safe workplaces, and following traffic rules. If you or a loved one has sustained a spinal cord injury due to the negligence of another party, consider seeking legal advice from our personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts to explore your options for compensation and justice.

What Spinal Cord Injuries are the Most Common?

Spinal cord injuries can vary in their severity and location along the spinal cord. The most common types of spinal cord injuries include:

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

Incomplete injuries occur when the spinal cord is partially damaged, and some communication between the brain and the body is preserved. Common examples include:

  • Anterior Cord Syndrome: Often caused by a lack of blood flow to the front of the spinal cord, resulting in a loss of motor function and sensation, especially for pain and temperature.
  • Central Cord Syndrome: Typically seen in older individuals or those with cervical spine issues, leading to weakness and sensory deficits in the upper extremities.
  • Brown-Sequard Syndrome: This type of injury results from damage to one side of the spinal cord, leading to motor function loss on one side and sensory loss on the other.

Complete Spinal Cord Injuries 

Complete injuries result in the loss of all sensory and motor function below the level of the injury. The two most common types are:

  • Tetraplegia (Quadriplegia): This involves paralysis of all four limbs, often due to cervical spinal cord injuries.
  • Paraplegia: Injuries to the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral spinal cord levels typically result in paraplegia, affecting the lower half of the body.

Spinal Cord Contusions

These injuries involve bruising or swelling of the spinal cord due to a traumatic impact. Contusions can vary in severity, leading to temporary or permanent impairments.

  • Spinal Cord Compression: This can result from conditions like herniated discs, tumors, or bone spurs pressing on the spinal cord. It may cause pain, weakness, and sensory changes.
  • Spinal Cord Lacerations: These are caused by sharp objects penetrating the spinal cord and can lead to significant neurological deficits.
  • Spinal Cord Concussions: Similar to a concussion in the brain, a spinal cord concussion is a temporary loss of function due to trauma, often with a rapid and full recovery.

What is the Legal Basis of Spinal Cord Injuries?

The legal basis for spinal cord injury cases in Massachusetts often revolves around the concept of personal injury law. When someone sustains a spinal cord injury due to the negligence or intentional misconduct of another party, we may have a legal basis to seek compensation for their damages. Here are some key legal elements and principles involved in spinal cord injury cases:

  • Negligence: To establish a legal claim, it’s typically necessary to demonstrate that another party acted negligently, causing the injury. Negligence may involve actions like reckless driving, unsafe premises, or failure to provide proper safety measures in a workplace or recreational activity.
  • Causation: It’s essential to prove that the defendant’s negligence was the direct cause of the spinal cord injury. This requires establishing a clear link between their actions and the injury sustained.
  • Duty of Care: In many cases, the defendant must have owed a duty of care to the injured party. For instance, drivers owe a duty to follow traffic laws and drive safely. Establishing the duty of care is a crucial aspect of the case.
  • Damages: The injured party must demonstrate the extent of their damages, which may include medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, and other losses resulting from the spinal cord injury.
  • Statute of Limitations: Massachusetts, like other states, has a statute of limitations that imposes a time limit for filing a personal injury lawsuit. It’s crucial to initiate legal action within this timeframe.

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury and believe it resulted from the negligence of another party, it’s essential to consult with spinal cord injury lawyers in Massachusetts who can help you navigate the legal process and advocate for your rights.

What Damages Can I Collect in an SCI Case in Massachusetts?

In a spinal cord injury (SCI) case in Massachusetts, you may be eligible to seek compensation for various types of damages, both economic and non-economic, to help you cope with the physical, emotional, and financial impact of your injury. The specific damages you can collect may include:

  • Medical Expenses: This encompasses the cost of past and future medical treatment, including surgeries, rehabilitation, medication, assistive devices, and adaptive technologies.
  • Lost Income: You can seek compensation for the income you’ve lost due to your SCI, including past and future earnings if your injury has caused a disability that affects your ability to work.
  • Pain and Suffering: Non-economic damages may include compensation for the physical and emotional pain and suffering you’ve endured due to your injury.
  • Emotional Distress: This covers the emotional trauma, anxiety, and psychological suffering that often accompany a spinal cord injury.
  • Disability and Impairment: Compensation for the permanent disabilities and impairments caused by your spinal cord injury may include alterations to your home, transportation needs, and additional care expenses.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases of extreme negligence or intentional misconduct, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party and deter similar behavior in the future.

The specific damages you can collect in your SCI case may vary based on the circumstances of your injury, the severity of your condition, and the evidence presented in your case. To navigate the legal process effectively and maximize your chances of securing fair compensation, it’s advisable to consult with spinal cord injury lawyers in Massachusetts who can provide personalized guidance and representation.

What is the Massachusetts Statute of Limitations for SCI?

In Massachusetts, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit, including those related to spinal cord injuries (SCI), is generally three years from the date of the injury or accident that caused the injury. It’s important to note that the specific circumstances of your case, the cause of the injury, and the nature of your claim can affect the statute of limitations.

However, there are some exceptions and variations to this general rule, which can extend or shorten the statute of limitations in certain situations. Some of these exceptions include:

  • Minors: If the injured person is a minor (under the age of 18), the statute of limitations may be tolled (suspended) until we reach the age of majority, which is 18 years old.
  • Incapacitated Individuals: If the injured person is declared legally incapacitated at the time of the injury, the statute of limitations may be tolled until we regain competency.
  • Delayed Discovery: In some cases, the discovery of an injury may be delayed. If the injury is not immediately obvious, the statute of limitations may begin to run from the date when the injury was or reasonably should have been discovered.

It’s crucial to consult with spinal cord injury lawyers in Massachusetts as soon as possible if you believe you have a valid claim. Failing to file your lawsuit within the applicable statute of limitations can result in the loss of your right to seek compensation for your injuries. 

Why Do I Need Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers in Massachusetts?

Suffering a spinal cord injury can be life-altering, affecting your mobility, independence, and overall quality of life. If you or a loved one has experienced such trauma in Massachusetts, securing the right legal support is essential to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. 

The Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates, P.C., are committed to helping spinal cord injury victims. Their strengths lie in their years of experience, a deep understanding of Massachusetts state laws, a dedicated team of attorneys, a track record of successful outcomes, and a compassionate approach to client care.

Among the ways we can help include:

  • Decades of legal experience in Massachusetts.
  • In-depth knowledge of Massachusetts state laws.
  • A dedicated team of skilled attorneys.
  • A proven track record of successful outcomes.
  • Compassionate and client-focused approach to legal representation.

For trusted legal guidance and support during this challenging time, don’t hesitate to reach out to spinal cord injury lawyers in Massachusetts at the Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates, P.C., today. Your path to compensation starts with a single call. Schedule a free consultation right now!

Call our Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers in Massachusetts Now!

Dealing with a spinal cord injury (SCI) can be life-altering, impacting your mobility and quality of life. If you or a loved one has suffered an SCI in Massachusetts, the right legal support is crucial to secure the compensation you deserve.

The Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates, P.C., have a proven track record in helping SCI victims. With extensive experience in personal injury law, we cover various practice areas related to spinal cord injuries, including car accidents, workplace accidents, medical malpractice, premises liability, and wrongful death claims. 

For over 25 years, our attorneys have been committed to providing personalized and compassionate representation. If you’re seeking trusted legal guidance and support, reach out to our Massachusetts spinal cord injury lawyers from The Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates, P.C. today for a free consultation. Your journey to fair compensation starts here.

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