pixel Back Injury Attorney | Peabody, Massachusetts

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Massachusetts personal injury lawyers

For Over 25 Years Fighting
The Big Insurance Companies

Thousands of claims successfully handled. Millions of dollars recovered for our clients.

Back Injury Attorney MA

Right Legal Assistance for the Back Injury Victims in Massachusetts

Are you dealing with the challenges and complications that come with a back injury in Massachusetts? Look no further than the esteemed Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates P.C. Our dedicated back injury attorney Massachusetts is here to provide you with the right guidance and support you need during this difficult time. 

With our extensive experience and unwavering commitment to our clients, we are well-equipped to handle all aspects of your back injury case. Don’t let a back injury in Massachusetts hold you back from seeking the justice and compensation you deserve. 

Contact the renowned Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates P.C. today and let us be your trusted advocates. With our deep understanding of personal injury law and our proven track record of successful cases, we will fight tirelessly on your behalf to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive fair and just compensation for your back injury. 

Take the first step towards a brighter future by calling us now or visiting our website to schedule a consultation. Remember, you don’t have to face the challenges alone – we are here to help you every step of the way.

What is a Back Injury?

A back injury refers to any harm or damage sustained to the structures in the back, specifically the spinal column, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or discs. The back is a complex area of the body, and injuries can range in severity from mild to severe, with varying degrees of pain and functional impairment.

What Are the Most Common Types of Back Injuries?

Common types of back injuries include:

Sprains and Strains

These injuries involve damage to the muscles, tendons, or ligaments in the back and can cause pain, swelling, and restricted movement.

Herniated or Bulging Discs

Discs act as cushions between the vertebrae in the spine. When a disc’s outer layer weakens or tears, the inner portion may protrude or bulge, potentially compressing nearby nerves and causing pain, numbness, or weakness.


A fracture refers to a broken bone in the back, often resulting from a severe impact or trauma.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Severe back injuries can sometimes lead to damage to the spinal cord, which can cause varying degrees of paralysis, loss of sensation, or impaired bodily functions below the site of injury.

What Are the Different Causes of Back Injuries?

Back injuries often occur due to accidents involving collisions, impacts, or excessive and repetitive motions. Car accidents are a significant contributor to back injuries, but certain occupations, especially those in construction, pose a higher risk for such injuries. Here are some common factors that can cause back injuries:

  • Car crashes and other motor vehicle accidents
  • Various types of traumas or injuries
  • Repeatedly lifting heavy objects
  • Prolonged periods of static posture, either sitting or standing
  • Engaging in repetitive movements like bending, twisting, pushing, pulling, or lifting
  • Slipping, tripping, and falling incidents
  • Combination of twisting and lifting movements
  • Experiencing excessive vibrations while driving, particularly for truck drivers
  • Fatigue or inadequate muscle endurance caused by excessive overtime or an imbalanced work-to-rest ratio

In many cases, particularly with injuries related to labor-intensive work, back injuries may not be caused by a single specific incident but rather by a gradual accumulation of harmful activities or movements over time. 

It’s important to recognize that individuals who have sustained such injuries have the same rights to seek compensation as those involved in accidents, falls, or other traumatic events. If you have experienced this type of injury, our personal injury lawyer at the Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates P.C. can offer additional information and guidance.

What Are the Most Common Back Injury Symptoms?

To ensure you receive appropriate compensation for your medical costs, it is crucial to undergo a proper diagnosis by a qualified doctor. The amount you are eventually awarded will depend on the severity of your injuries and the expenses incurred for their treatment.

If you experience any of the following symptoms following an accident, it is highly recommended to seek immediate medical attention for a comprehensive evaluation from your doctor.

  • Pain that travels along your legs in an upward or downward direction
  • Weakening of the muscles
  • Loss of sensation or numbness in your arms, legs, hands, or feet
  • Persistent or recurring back pain

If your medical evaluation reveals a back injury, you have the right to hold the responsible party accountable. To explore your legal options and initiate the process of building your case, get in touch with our Massachusetts back injury lawyer. Contact us today for assistance in seeking the compensation you deserve.

What to Do Following a Back Injury in Massachusetts?

If you have suffered a back injury in Massachusetts, it’s important to take certain steps to protect your health, well-being, and legal rights. Here are some actions you should consider following a back injury:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your health and well-being should be your top priority. Seek medical attention promptly, even if you think your injury is minor. A healthcare professional can assess the extent of your back injury, provide necessary treatment, and document your injuries for potential legal purposes.

Report the Incident

If your back injury occurred as a result of an accident, such as a car accident or a workplace incident, make sure to report it to the appropriate authorities or your employer, depending on the situation. This documentation can be important when filing an insurance claim or pursuing legal action.

Document Evidence

Preserve any evidence related to your back injury. Take photos of the accident scene, your visible injuries, and any property damage if applicable. Keep copies of medical records, bills, and any other relevant documents. These can serve as evidence to support your claim later on.

Consult With a Personal Injury Attorney

It is advisable to consult with our accomplished back injury attorney in Massachusetts. We can evaluate the details of your situation, explain your legal rights, and guide you through the process of seeking compensation.

Notify Insurance Companies

If your back injury is the result of an accident, such as a car accident, notify your insurance company promptly. Provide them with accurate and truthful information about the incident, but be cautious about providing detailed statements without consulting a personal injury attorney first.

Follow Medical Advice

It is essential to follow the recommended treatment plan and attend all medical appointments. This shows that you are actively seeking appropriate care for your back injury and can help in documenting the extent of your injuries.

Document the Impact on Your Life

Keep a record of how your back injury has affected your daily life, such as limitations on your activities, missed workdays, or emotional distress. This information can support your compensation claim.

Remember, every case is unique, and the specific actions you should take may vary based on the circumstances of your back injury. Seeking guidance from our personal injury attorney will ensure that you receive personalized advice and proper legal representation throughout the process.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Back Injuries?

The parties who can potentially be held liable for your back injuries will depend on the circumstances surrounding your specific case. Here are some common parties that may be held responsible for back injuries:

Negligent Individuals

If your back injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, such as in a car accident or a slip and fall incident, the individual(s) responsible for causing the accident may be held liable. This could include drivers, property owners, or other individuals whose actions or omissions contributed to your injury.


If your back injury occurred in the workplace, you may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim against your employer. Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe working environment, and if their negligence or failure to follow safety regulations resulted in your back injury, they may be held liable.

Product Manufacturers

If a defective or dangerous product caused your back injury, you may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the product. This could include faulty equipment, defective machinery, or any other product that directly contributed to your injury.

Property Owners or Occupiers

If your back injury occurred on someone else’s property due to hazardous conditions, such as a slippery floor, uneven surfaces, or inadequate maintenance, the property owner or occupier may be held liable under premises liability laws.

Healthcare Professionals

In some cases, if a medical professional’s negligence or malpractice led to your back injury or exacerbated an existing condition, you may have a medical malpractice claim against the responsible healthcare provider.

Government Entities

If your back injury was caused by the negligence of a government agency or its employees, such as in a public transportation accident or due to poorly maintained roads, you may need to pursue a claim against the government entity responsible.

How Can I Prove Negligence on My Back Injury Claim in Massachusetts?

To establish negligence in your back injury lawsuit in Massachusetts, you will need to meet the requirements of the four fundamental elements of negligence. These elements form the basis for demonstrating fault in your case.

Duty of Care

In negligence cases, the defendant is required to have a certain level of responsibility toward the plaintiff’s well-being, which is known as a duty of care. This duty of care can arise from various factors, such as contractual agreements or the circumstances surrounding the relationship between the parties involved. 

For instance, a doctor has a duty of care towards their patient, and a property owner has a duty of care towards their guests. The standard of care that is expected varies depending on the specific relationship. 

Using the example of a doctor, their duty of care is measured by the reasonable skill and expertise of other medical professionals in the same field, which is significantly higher compared to that of an average person. Consequently, doctors have a greater burden to meet in fulfilling their duty of care compared to property owners.

Breach of Duty

In addition to establishing the existence and nature of the legal responsibility between the defendant and the plaintiff, it is also necessary to demonstrate that the defendant failed to fulfill that duty. This breach of duty is proven by showing that the defendant’s actions or lack thereof did not meet the reasonable expectations of someone in a similar situation. 

In other words, it must be demonstrated that the defendant did not act in a manner that a reasonably prudent person would have acted under the same circumstances.


After establishing the duty of care and demonstrating the defendant’s breach of that duty, you have successfully shown that the defendant was negligent. However, it is still necessary to establish that this negligence directly caused the accident or harm suffered by the plaintiff. 

In Massachusetts, the Supreme Judicial Court has recently affirmed the use of the “but for” test to determine causation in personal injury cases. Essentially, you must demonstrate that your injuries would not have happened “but for” the defendant’s negligence. 

In other words, you need to prove that your harm or losses would not have occurred if it were not for the defendant’s negligent actions.


The final stage in your back injury lawsuit based on negligence involves demonstrating that the injuries you sustained due to the accident are eligible for compensation. This step is crucial because the objective of a personal injury lawsuit is to obtain compensation that specifically addresses your injuries. 

If your injuries did not require medical treatment or did not result in financial losses or emotional suffering, it may be challenging to recover compensation through a negligence claim. Our Massachusetts back injury lawyer is available to address any inquiries you may have regarding the potential value of your case and provide guidance accordingly.

What Are the Types of Evidence I Need to Prove Negligence?

To support your arguments regarding each of the four essential elements of negligence, it is necessary to present evidence. This evidence can take various forms, and it is important to be aware of key pieces of evidence commonly used in negligence lawsuits. 

The following are crucial types of evidence that you should consider for most negligence cases:

Physical Evidence

It is important to make an effort to preserve any physical items that were involved in your injury. If your injury was caused by a defective product, it is advisable to keep as much of the product as possible in a safe place, ensuring it does not pose any additional harm to you. 

Our skilled personal injury attorney can assist you in safely storing physical evidence to prevent it from being lost or tampered with.

Photographs and Videos

In situations where obtaining physical evidence is not feasible, photographs and videos of the accident scene can be valuable. This is especially true in cases of back injuries resulting from car accidents, as images capturing the scene can provide additional context regarding the circumstances leading to the accident or the impact of the collision. 

Photographs and videos serve as visual documentation that can support your case and help establish a clearer picture of the incident.

Medical Documents

Maintaining proper documentation of your injuries is crucial to establish not only that negligence caused the harm but also to demonstrate the real and significant impact of the injuries. It is essential to seek immediate medical attention once you suspect that you have sustained a back injury. 

Seeking prompt medical care ensures that your injuries are properly evaluated, diagnosed, and documented by healthcare professionals, strengthening your case by providing credible evidence of the harm you have suffered.

Expert Testimonies

In nearly every back injury case based on negligence, it is often necessary for successful plaintiffs to present expert testimony. These experts, specializing in the defendant’s field, can provide testimony regarding common practices within their profession, establishing the standard of care. 

Medical experts can offer insights into complex diagnoses and explain the potential impact on the plaintiff’s quality of life. Financial experts can assist in quantifying the damages suffered by the plaintiff, especially when it comes to lost wages or reduced earning capacity resulting from the injuries. 

Our talented personal injury lawyer will assist you in obtaining and preparing expert testimony that will strengthen your case and increase your chances of recovering compensation in your negligence lawsuit.

What Are the Damages and Financial Compensation I Can Get for My Back Injury Claim?

In Massachusetts, the damages and financial compensation for a back injury claim can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the extent of the injury. Here are some potential types of damages that may be pursued in a back injury claim:

Medical Expenses

This includes the cost of past and future medical treatments, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and any other necessary medical care related to your back injury.

Lost Wages

If your back injury has resulted in time away from work, you may be entitled to compensation for the income you have lost. This can include both the wages you missed while recovering and potential future earnings if the injury affects your ability to work or results in a diminished earning capacity.

Pain and Suffering

This refers to the physical pain, discomfort, and emotional distress caused by the back injury and its impact on your daily life and well-being. It is non-economic damage and can be challenging to quantify, but it is an important component of many personal injury claims.

Rehabilitation and Therapy

If your back injury requires ongoing rehabilitation, physical therapy, or other forms of specialized treatment, you may be able to seek compensation for these expenses.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

If your back injury has significantly affected your ability to engage in activities you once enjoyed, such as hobbies or sports, you may be eligible for compensation for the loss of enjoyment of life.

Punitive Damages

In rare cases where the defendant’s conduct was deemed particularly reckless or intentional, punitive damages may be awarded. These damages are intended to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.

What is Massachusetts’ Statute of Limitations for Back Injury Claims?

In Massachusetts, you have a three-year window to initiate a personal injury lawsuit for back injuries. It is crucial to adhere to this time limit as failing to file within the prescribed period can forfeit your right to seek damages. There are exceptions to this rule for the following:

  • Minors who are 3 years from reaching 18, or
  • People with mental disabilities.

In these cases, the time limit “clock” is paused or “stayed.” This means that the three-year time limit doesn’t start running until the stay is removed, which could happen when the minor turns 18 or the person with a disability becomes capable of pursuing a legal claim.

If you do not have legal representation, the insurance company may attempt to prolong the claim process, potentially jeopardizing the statute of limitations. This is why it is advisable to contact our back injury attorney Massachusetts promptly after an accident. 

Why Do I Need a Back Injury Attorney in Massachusetts?

Hiring our back injury attorneys in Massachusetts can be highly beneficial for several reasons:

Legal Knowledge and Experience

Back injury cases can involve complex legal principles and intricate medical details. Our legal team has in-depth knowledge of Massachusetts personal injury laws, understand the relevant legal precedents, and has the skills to navigate the legal system effectively on your behalf.

Case Evaluation and Strategy

Our personal injury attorney can assess the merits of your case and help you understand the strengths and weaknesses. We will review the evidence, medical records, and other relevant documents to determine the viability of your claim. Based on our evaluation, we can develop a strategic plan to pursue the maximum compensation you deserve.

Protecting Your Rights and Interests

Insurance companies and opposing parties may try to minimize your claim or deny liability altogether. Having our Massachusetts back injury attorneys by your side ensures that your rights and interests are protected. 

We will handle all communications, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate for your best interests throughout the process.

Gathering Evidence and Building a Strong Case

Our qualified back injury attorney Massachusetts has the resources and network to gather necessary evidence, including accident reports, medical records, expert opinions, and witness testimonies. We will analyze this evidence to build a compelling case that supports your compensation claim.

Accurate Valuation of Damages

Determining the full extent of damages and calculating fair compensation can be challenging. We understand how to assess the economic and non-economic damages associated with your back injury, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future damages. We will work to ensure you receive proper compensation for all applicable damages.

Negotiating Settlements

Many personal injury cases are resolved through negotiations outside of court. Our back injury attorney in Massachusetts has strong negotiation skills and will fight to secure a fair settlement on your behalf. We will leverage our knowledge of the law and the strength of your case to pursue the best possible outcome.

Litigation Representation

If your case proceeds to trial, having our litigators who are experienced in courtroom litigation is invaluable. We will represent your interests in court, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and deliver persuasive arguments to support your claim.

Personalized Legal Assistance for Massachusetts Back Injury Victims

In the face of a back injury in Massachusetts, it is crucial to have a skilled legal team by your side to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. The Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates P.C. is a leading law firm renowned for its dedication to providing top-notch legal services in back injury cases. 

With our extensive knowledge of Massachusetts personal injury laws and a proven track record of success, we are committed to helping individuals like you navigate the complexities of their back injury claims. If you or a loved one is suffering from a back injury in Massachusetts, don’t hesitate to contact the exceptional legal team at the Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates P.C. 

Our compassionate back injury attorneys in Massachusetts will provide you with the personalized attention and guidance needed to secure the best possible outcome for your case. Take the first step toward justice and fair compensation by calling us today or visiting our website to schedule a consultation. 

Our team can also assist you with Blind Spot Car Accidents, Highway Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Construction Accidents, and Medical Malpractice. Trust in our firm’s reputation and experience to handle your compensation claim with the utmost professionalism and commitment.

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